日本に来てくれた外国(がいこく)の みなさん、そして日本文化(にほんぶんか)に
年末(ねんまつ)の この時期(じき)、日本は特別(とくべつ)な 魅力(みりょく)でいっぱいです。
Hello everyone! To all our friends from abroad who have come to Japan,
and to everyone interested in Japanese culture,
welcome! During this time of the year, Japan is filled with special charm.
Now, let's explore the year-end traditions of Japan together!

その前にクイズです。これは True?False?
Before that, let's do a quiz. This is True? False?
1: 日本人は 年末に 「おせち料理」を食べます。 (T/F)
1: Japanese people eat "osechi ryori" at the year-end. (T/F)
2: 年末には、家族や友達と「忘年会(ぼうねんかい)」をします。 (T/F)
2: At the year-end, people have "bonenkai" gatherings with family and friends. (T/F)
3: 紅白歌合戦(こうはく うたがっせん)は、年末にある音楽番組で、
男性アーティストが「白組」に参加します。 (T/F)
3: The "Kohaku Uta Gassen" is a music program that takes place at the end of the year, and male artists participate in the "White Team." (T/F)
4: 年末の夜に神社やお寺で 花火を します (T/F)
4: Fireworks are done at shrines or temples on the night of the year-end. . (T/F)
5: 年末には「よいよいよい!」と あいさつします。 (T/F)
5: It is customary to greet with "yoi yoi yoi!" at the year-end. . (T/F)
年末になると、多くの人が 実家(じっか)に帰ります。家族が集まり、にぎやかになり、
長く生きる ことを 願(ねが)って そばを食べる習慣(しゅうかん)です。
As the year comes to a close, many people return to their hometowns. Families gather, creating a lively atmosphere, and everyone shares a meal of "Toshikoshi Soba." This tradition involves eating soba, considered a symbol of longevity, while anticipating the start of the new year.

また、テレビでは「紅白歌合戦(こうはく うたがっせん)」があり、
Similarly, towards the end of the year, colleagues and friends gather for a "year-end party." We spend enjoyable moments together, reflecting on the past year. Additionally, on television, there's the "Kohaku Uta Gassen," where famous singers engage in a musical battle. This unique Japanese entertainment is widely enjoyed by many people.

年が明ける瞬間、海外では花火が一般的ですが、日本ではお寺(てら)や神社(じんじゃ)で「除夜の鐘(じょやの かね)」が鳴(な)ります。
At the moment the new year begins, while fireworks are common in many places abroad, in Japan, temples and shrines ring the "Joya no Kane" bell. Listening to the sound of the bell 108 times helps people forget the bad memories of the past year. The moment of welcoming the new year is a traditional and significant one in Japan. I encourage you to experience this traditional moment if you have the chance.

それでは、「よい お年を!」
Well then, "Wishing you a wonderful New Year!"
答え Answer
1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
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おすすめのテーマ Recommended topics
・年末の食べ物 - Year-end Cuisine
・年末のテレビ番組- Year-end TV Programs
・除夜の鐘(じょやの かね)- New Year's Eve Bells
など and more